
Monday, September 8, 2008

Blue and Green......

(I found this draft of a post I had begun composing last year and never quite finished. I found the timing of the find interesting in that I came across it at nearly the same time this year as I was writing it last doubt a God-thing. I decided to finish it and post it for you to read.)

Well, it's been a while since I wrote here last. Life slips by so quickly in the shining summer sun as each day is packed with visiting friends and sleepovers and camping trips and birthday parties. At the end of the day I sit still, possibly for the first time, and hear the crickets chirp in the backyard or smell the sweet smell of a summer rain storm coming. Now I can feel the days passing faster as school time approaches and I can almost feel the nip in the air that comes with the harvest.

Last night I was thinking about different aspects of how God designed the relationship between Big Daddy and me. One of these aspects made my consider something I hadn't realized before. His favorite color is blue and mine is green. It often makes my laugh when I ask his opinion about what color he thought something should be because I know the I usually consider all the various shades of green myself and we usually have the "blue vs. green discussion" in which each of us takes a turn playfully arguing the benefits of our particular bent toward our color of choice. After lots of smiles and grinning, we usually agree on some other completely neutral color choice. There have been times where either of us has conceded and allowed the other to enjoy their choice, though they are few and far between.

When pondering how we should celebrate our 11th anniversary on August 21st, the "blue vs. green" talk flitted through my brain and made me smile and wonder about God's sense of humor. He designed us to fit perfectly together. To compliment each other much like blue and green do. All over creation you see those two colors. Blue and green. The Creator God used these together when He made the sea, the mountains, some of the fish in the ocean, shades of them to color our eyes, the sky, water, variations of trees and plants, grasses......and on and on. They compliment each other well. They flow together. I've seen the two so blended together that you could not tell one apart from the other. In places, it was like they were one color. So melded with each other that to separate them would be impossible. I wonder if this is what God meant when He said in Genesis 2: 23-25,
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united
and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."
Big Daddy and I work hard at becoming one like that. Some days are really hard when we both want to fight for our "right" to be our chosen color and we have to ask for God's grace and help to understand how to fit together, but some days are easy and we occasionally become that one color that is both blue and green at the same time. Through our years together we have chosen to let God blend us together to that beautiful shade and I am looking forward to the day when we are completely and wholly one.

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